Hey lads -- Just a quick build to address some critical issues.
- Added sv_allowcallvotemapmode
- Disabled match picker UI combo box when not sourcing maps from workshop (as it only works when using maps from workshop)
- Increased max mesh limit from 16k -> 20k
- Added spear mesh for Egyptian theme
- Fixed crash when entering profile screen on DX10.0 cards
- Fixed crash when awarding daily XP bonus if steam stats were not yet received
- Removed some resource re-creation occurring on resize window which seemed to be causing issues (seen in reported crashes).
- Added checks around workshop map query which seemed to be causing issues (seen in reported crashes).
- re_setentityproperty now correctly applies instantly. (wasn't working on some fields like worldspawn team colour)
- Fixed issue where replay camera was using incorrect view height (caused issues on stairs)
- Fixed issue where simulation time was slightly out of sync from replay time
- Fixed issue where player interpolation was still occurring on top of extrapolation in replays (caused additional unwanted movement)