Today's point release contains a couple immediate bug fixes as well as a big cleanup on game balance settings.
Note: Very aware of the issue where MMR is not being awarded correctly after some Matchmaking games, we are looking in to this.
Generic Fixes:
Fixed crash bug on launch when using Steam Client Beta- Added option to hide MM servers from server browser
- Added option to hide locked server from server browser
- CTF is now 4v4
- Fixed timelimit on doubles to be 10/15mins (casual/competitive)
- Massive gameplay cleanup, experimental/casual/competitive now have consistent knockback/damages etc
Ironguard fixes:
- YA pipes now angled to jump up
- +5h pickups in duct no longer floating
- Fixed collision near mega floor
- Fixed collision in doorframe at carnage
We've done a big cleanup pass on game balance. Competitive/Casual are the core rulesets we have as they are the rulesets used on matchmaking. All experimental settings (with slightly modification) have been pulled into casual/competitive (see full list below). There are a lot of changes including splash, timelimits, weapon respawns and weapon damage / knockback.
Splash knockback:
We've pulled our recent splash changes from experimental into competitive/casual. The differences you'll see in competitive/casual (from before) are: The splash should now be more linear based on distance from impact. The knock-up is also fixed.
Matchmaking changes:
CTF is now 4v4
Doubles now correctly uses 2v2 gamemode (will have lower timelimit)
Time limits:
mode: casual / competitive
ffa: 5 / 10
1v1: 5 / 10
2v2: 10 / 15
tdm: 10 / 20
ctf: 10/ 20
Power-up drop:
OFF in 2v2 + TDM only
Weapon respawn time:
20 seconds in 2v2/TDM, 10 seconds in all other modes.
Armor & mega pickup sounds:
We've increased the distance armor & mega sounds can be heard from 1340 -> 2200 units.
burstgun_ammopickupammo 5 (was 10 in competitive)
burstgun_lowammo 5 (was 10 in competitive)
burstgun_maxammo 30 (was 40 in competitive)
burstgun_startammo 20 (was 40 in competitive)
shotgun_reload 950 (was 1000 in competitive)
shotgun_ammopickupammo 5 (was 10 in competitive)
shotgun_pellet_knockmult 1.6 (was 2 in competitive)
shotgun_pellet_knockmult_airbourne 1.4 (was 1.25 in competitive)
shotgun_pellet_trace_radius_entities 0.5 (was 0 in competitive)
grenade_trace_radius_world 1.0 (was 0.5 in competitive, 0 in experimental)
grenade_trace_radius_entities 0.25 (was 0.5 in competitive, was 0 in experimental)
plasmarifle_lowammo 30 (was 40 in competitive)
plasmarifle_maxammo 120 (was 200 in competitive, 150 in experimental)
plasmarifle_weaponpickupammo 75 (was 60 in competitive, was 75 in experimental)
plasmarifle_ammopickupammo 30 (was 50 in competitive)
cell_knockmult 0.85 (was 0.428 in competitive, 0.425 in experimental)
cell_knockmult_self 2.0 (was 2.22 in competitive, 2.0 in experimental)
cell_knockmult_airbourne 1.0 (was 2.14 in competitive, 1.0 in experimental)
Rocket Launcher
rocketlauncher_maxammo 25 (was 30 in competitive)
rocket_damage_splashmult 0.85 (was 1.0 in competitive, 0.85 in experimental)
(this means a direct rocket does 100 damage, if you JUST miss the max splash damage you can do is 85)
rocket_explosion_radius 116 (was 112 in competitive, 112 in experimental)
rocket_knockmult 0.85 (was 1.0 in competitive, 1.0 in experimental)
rocket_knockmult_airbourne 1.0 (was 1.5 in competitive, 1 in experimental)
rocket_trace_radius_world 0.25 (was 0 in competitive, 1 in experimental)
rocket_trace_radius_entities 1 (was 0 in competitive, 1 in experimental)
Ion Cannon
hum is now enabled (was off in competitive, on in experimental)
hum far atten changed from 1340 -> 1250 (travels less distance)
hum 3d volume changed from .7 -> .6
hum 2d volume changed from .7 -> .2
beam_knockmult 1.4 (was 1.8 in competitive, 1.7 in experimental)
beam_knockmult_airbourne 1.6 (was 1.3 in competitive, 1.7 in experimental)
beam_trace_radius_entities 0.5 (was 0 in competitive, 0.5 in experimental)
ioncannon_reload 46 (was 44 in competitive, 46 in experimental)
ioncannon_lowammo 30 (was 60 in competitive)
ioncannon_maxammo 150 (was 200 in competitive)
Bolt Rifle
bolt far atten changed from 1340 -> 1250 (travels less distance)
bolt 3d volume changed from .8 -> .6
bolt 2d volume changed from .8 -> .2
boltrifle_weaponpickupammo 5 (was 10 in competitive)
As always, open to _constructive_ feedback. Let's be nice to each other lads <3
Have a great weekend!