- r_shadow_resolution now goes up to 2 for 1024 shadows
- Reduced max shadow map count, levels seem to be using a more sensible number of light shadows now
- Callvote restart will now pull extra players out of game (fixes issue in training + 1v1)
- Hid dev trim materials from map editor
- Publishing maps with all gamemodes enabled on your map will now report error: "too many gamemodes selected in worldspawn"
- Lowered vertical knockback
- Ioncannon: knockback ground & air now 1.7
- Plasmarifle: reduced air knockback (was 1.5, now 1.0)
- Rocket: splash radius 120 (was 115)
- Pickup spawn sounds won't play on level initialise anymore
- Removed sound system LPF, needs further looking at
- Reduced boltrifle idle hum sound (avoid clipping)
- Tweaked ioncannon idle hum
- Increased mega pickup/expire sound range (was 1300ish, now 4096)
- Increased resist pickup/expire sound range (was 1300ish, now 4096)
- Increased rocket fly sound sound range (was 128 now 512)
- Increased plasma cell sound sound range (was 64 now 256)